Playgrounds for the mind

Places of play, invention, and joy—the playground is not designed for an anti-purpose, instead of being designed with a specific goal in mind it is a place where people can come up with their own goals, create their own games, and have fun. Thinking back to my Three approaches to engagement, the playground takes the space of curiosity where you are given a space and a set of actions to explore and interact with this space. I am curious, what would it look like to design a playground for the mind? a place to explore and come up with ideas, create your own games, and explore conceptual space in a similar way that playgrounds make it fun to move about physical space.

Playgrounds are locations, you can visit and you can leave. Spaces can rewrite social norms—how might social norms be rewritten to interact playfully with ideas?

Playgrounds are flexible spaces, you can imagine it to be anything you want. Therefore a playground for the mind should be able to apply across many different concepts and ideas.

Playgrounds are multiplayer, it is a place where groups of friends gather to play. The playground is not a solitary act. How can a playground for the mind enable us to think together?