Symbolism as Structure Markers
Inspired by what I call the "galaxy symbol" in the titles—of—some—of—Andy Matuschak's—notes which he uses to indicate an "outline note" (relevant tweet) I have taken to creating my own symbolry to define conceptual structures and page-types in my own note-taking system.
Mental model: Δ
The triangle indicates structure, these pages are mental models and frameworks I have come up with for structuring thought. A framework for structuring thought is also a framework for asking good questions.
Outline: ☰
These pages are outlines: brainstorming course structure, design documents, etc. Outline pages (☰) are often distinguished from solar system pages (ʘ) in that they are not as densely linked.
Solar system: ʘ
Inspired by the Andy's galaxy symbol, I use this "solar system" symbol with similar intent. These are pages which serve as outlines or collections of various notes surrounding a given topic.
Galaxy: §
Pages marked with the galaxy symbol will serve as even broader big-picture notes which may contain a collection of solar system notes.
Resources: ∴
These pages are simply collections of resources, mostly external links or citations which can then be used as block references.
Future symbols?