ʘ Open Design Challenges
How to organize ʘ Open Design Challenges?- This page is becoming a central hub for bigger questions which arise out of my notes, how might be best to organize and categorize these design challenges?
Search is broken- What kinds of new forms of "transportation" can we create to explore and interact with content and articles on the internet?
Engaging mediums encourage thought- How might we take inspiration from games to design more engaging mediums for learning?
Applications are designed for authoring not thinking- How can we design and develop new tools for thought?
Design verbs not objects- What new verbs can enable new ways of using and exploring digital systems?
- Perhaps there would be benefit in identifying the verbs which already exist?
Personal projects structure learning and engagement- How can writing give the reader a goal as to structure engagement?
How to navigate densely-linked notes?- What kinds of interfaces would be helpful for navigating highly interconnected networks of information?
Learning Groups- How can we design a system which enables groups of people to collectively learn and teach each other?
Conversational Interfaces (related to learning pods)- How can we design digital interfaces which enable in-depth conversation and collaboration?